Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Clear sky Essays

Clear sky Essays Clear sky Essay Clear sky Essay The advert has a linear narrative and uses iconography through out, with the use of various images to suggest meanings for whats going on. At the beginning of the ad, for the first second or so everything seems normal as you see Britney walk towards her room, but then suddenly everything goes in to slow motion and the sound changes from diagetic to non diagetic as you suddenly hear a heart beat. The sudden change in sound happens as the two characters eyes meet, showing that theres some sort of immediate attraction between the two, initialising the main story of the advert. Slowly the sound of a brass instrument can be heard as the tension builds up. The physical attraction between the two, even in separate rooms can be felt by the viewer just with the music alone. The close ups on Britney and the slow motion used as she moves towards the door, emphasizes the attraction she has towards the guy, but in a way is too shy to go all the way. As the music continues to intensify with the introduction various string instruments as well as the continuation of the sound of a beating heart, various images flash across the screen, together adding their own meaning to the advert itself. Many different meanings and reasons could probably be given for them but some are more obvious then others. The first sequence of shots outside of the main setting in the hotel room shows a dark night sky as red lightning streaks through it before quickly changing to a shot of Britney, sort of looking through the few clouds in a clear sky. It could be interpreted that she has possibly just got out of a bad relationship, or was being held back by something and can now finally see the light, see what actually lies in front of her. The next sequence of shots goes from a hand running down the glass from with in a shower, quickly changing to a sped up shot of lilies blooming. The meaning behind this can simply be seen as shes washing away her past before venturing in to a new, fresh relationship. As the scenes continue to flash across the screen at a much quicker pace, they are basically using images to suggest the start of an intimate relationship between the two main characters in the advert. The dream like images of the two having sex with each other emphasises this even more. With the background music intensifying and the speed of the distant heartbeat starting to race, it pumps up the atmosphere for the audience, building their curiosity as to what the whole advert is trying to sell and what would happen next. As finally the music reaches is peaks it rapidly fades away to leave you with a mixed shot of both characters stepping away from the door, too nervous to actually take it that one step further, leaving the viewer then in a sort of exhausted like state, the camera then zooms in on Britneys face before fading out the entire shot in to a completely black screen. Thats when a voice over can actually be heard, pulling the viewers attention back in as finally the product is revealed. A shot of it against a black background makes it stand out to the viewer, together with the actual name of the product tells the audience what it is and what it looks like so that they know what to look for in shops. With the only words spoken throughout the whole thing being Do you dare? and the excitement built up all the way through, will make the viewer feel like they need to feel that themselves and believe that to get this fragrance they will experience it. The use of psychologist theories is used throughout the entire advert and manages quite successfully to persuade the viewer that its something they need. All around a well thought out advert to achieve the aims desired.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Ancient Calendar

The Ancient Calendar Be quiet! The Roman calendar is the most perfect yet devised. It has twelve months.Except when it has thirteen, as this year.And all of these months have either thirty-one or twenty-nine days.Except Februarius, which has twenty-eight. Only this year, according to you, it has only twenty-four.~ Steven Saylor Murder on the Appian Way, p. 191. Early farmers couldnt simply look at a wall calendar to see how many days until the last frost date. However, knowing there were approximately 12 moon cycles between one spring and the next, they could calculate how many lunar phases remained before planting season. Thus was born the concept of the 354 day lunar calendar, a concept eternally at odds with the approximately 365.25 day solar year. Blending time derived from the motions of the rotating earth, the earth revolving around the sun, and the moons passage as the earths satellite is hard enough, but the Mayans had 17 cosmological calendars, some of which go back ten million years and require the services of astronomers, astrologers, geologists, and mathematicians to figure out. Introduction to Mayan Calendar Terminology provides simplified information on some of the cycles and glyphs used in the Mayan calendars.~ From Mayan Calendar Terminology (1) The position the planets is vital to many calendars. At least once, on March 5, 1953 B.C. at the beginning of Chinese calendar time all the planets, the sun and the moon were in alignment.~ Source (2) Even our calendar system calls on this relationship with the planets. Names for the days of the week (although the Teutonic Woden, Tiw, Thor, and Frigg have replaced the Roman names for deities of related prowess) refer to various celestial bodies. Our 7-day week began under Augustus. [See table below.] According to Calendars and Their History, calendars permit us to plan our farming, hunting, and migrating activities. They may also be used for prediction and to establish dates for religious and civic events. However accurate we might try to make them, calendars should be judged not by their scientific sophistication, but by how well they serve social needs.~ From Calendars and Their History (3) Calendar Reform disagrees. Its author thinks its high time for reform. Our Gregorian calendar, adopted in 1751 by an act of Parliament, uses basically the same months Julius Caesar established 2 millennia ago, in 45 B.C.~ From Calendar Reform (4) Julian Calendar Reform Caesar faced an unreliable lunar calendar system based on a distrust of even numbers. The original first month, Martius, had 31 days, as did Maius, Quinctilis (later renamed Julius), October, and December. All the other months had 29 days, except the last month of the year, which was allowed to be unlucky with only 28 days. (The Aztecs, too, considered certain days of their xihutl calendar to be unlucky.) Finding, over time, that their calendar didnt correspond with the seasons of the solar year, the Romans, like the Hebrews and Sumerians, intercalated an extra month whenever the College of Pontiffs deemed it necessary (as in the passage from Murder on the Appian Way). Caesar turned to Egypt for guidance with the difficult Roman calendar. The Ancient Egyptians predicted the annual Nile flooding on the basis of the appearance of the star Sirius. The period between was 365.25 days less than an hour wrong in five years. So, abandoning the Roman lunar calendar, Caesar set alternating months of 31 and 30 days with February having only 29 days except every fourth year when February 23 was repeated.~ Source (5) Why the 23d? Because the Romans didnt yet count from the beginning of the month, but from before it. They counted how many days before the Nones, Ides, and Kalends of each month. February 23 was counted as six days before the kalends of March the old beginning of the year. When it was repeated, it was referred to as bi-sextile. What Was the Format of the Roman Fasti Calendar? Gregorian Calendar Reform Pope Gregory XIIIs major changes were algorithms to calculate movable feasts and a new system of leap years that got rid of leap years in years that are divisible by 100 but not 400. Pope Gregory also deleted ten days from the 1592 calendar year in order to accommodate a shift in the equinox. When Did We Switch From the Roman Fasti Calendar to the Modern? A variety of calendars culminate around the year 2000. Calendar Convergence shows the common end of calendar cycles from the Hopi, the Ancient Greeks, the Early Egyptian Christians, the Mayan, and the Indian Vedic tradition. Planets Alignments in 2000 shows an alignment of the seven planets on May 5, 2000.~ From Calendar Convergence (6) and Planets Alignments (7) U. Glessmer. The Otot-Texts (4Q319) and the Problem of Intercalations in the Context of the 364-Day Calendar in:Qumranstudien: Vortraege und Beitraege der Teilnehmer des Qumranseminars auf dem internationalen Treffen der Society of Biblical Lit., Muenster, 25-26. Juli 1993 [Hans-Peter Mueller zum 60. Geburtstag]. Schriften des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum; Bd. 4. Ed. H.J. Fabry et al. Goettingen 1996, 125-164.~ From ANE discussion (8) References ([URL www.resonate.com/places/writings/mayan/calendar.htm ])([URL iNsci14.ucsd.edu/~fillmore/blurbs/calendars1.html ])([URL www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/mayan-calendar.html ])([URL www.webcom.com/tsh/ngs/ca/day1.html ])([URL astro.nmsu.edu/~lhuber/leaphist.html ])([URL ECUVAX.CIS.ECU.EDU/~PYMCCART/CALENDAR-REFORM.HTML ])([URL www.pcug.org.au/~dfry/calendar.html ])([URL physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Time/ancient.html ])([URL www.mm2000.nu/sphinxd.html ])([URL www.griffithobs.org/SkyAlignments.html ])([URL www-oi.uchicago.edu/OI/ANE/OI_ANE.html ]) Table of the Days of the Week dies Solis Sun day Sunday domenica (Italian) dies Lunae Moon day Monday luned dies Martis Marss day Tiws day Tuesday marted dies Mercurii Mercurys day Wodens day Wednesday mercoled dies Jovis Jupiters day Thors Day Thursday gioved dies Veneris Venuss day Friggs day Friday venerd dies Saturni Saturns day Saturday sabato    Related Resources Julius Caesar Calendars Maya Calendar Round Intercalation Gregorian Calendar Julian Calendar

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Model Innovation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Business Model Innovation - Dissertation Example Dawnay and Shah states seven principles for policy-makers around Behavioural Economics as follows: "1.- Other people's behaviour matters: People do many things by observing others and copying; people are encouraged to continue to do things when they feel other people approve of their behaviour. 2.- Habits are important: People do many things without consciously thinking about them. These habits are hard to change -even though people might want to change that behaviour, it is not easy for them. 3.- People are motivated to 'do the right thing': There are cases where money is de-motivating as it undermines people's intrinsic motivation, for example, you would quickly stop inviting friends to dinner if they insisted on paying you. 4.- People's self-expectations influence how they behave: They want their actions to be in line with their values and their commitments. 5.- People are loss-averse and hang on what they consider 'theirs'. 6.- People are bad at computation when making decisions: They put undue weight on recent events and too little on far-off ones; they cannot calculate probabilities well and worry too much about unlikely events; and they are strongly influenced by how the problem/information is presented to them. 7.- People need to feel involved and effective to make a change: Just giving people the incentives and information is not necessarily enough." (Dawnay and Shah, 2005). Looking for rational explanations about how the markets work is a widespread concern of many business agents. Yahoo! is not the exception. PCWelt.de (2006) reports the following trends in the research efforts of this Internet giant: "Yahoo Inc. is researching areas such as... Governments and societies that bet on the market system become more materially prosperous and technologically powerful. The lesson usually drawn from this economic success story is that in the overwhelming majority of cases the best thing the government can do for the economy is to set the background rules - define property rights, set up honest courts, perhaps rearrange the distribution of income, impose minor taxes and subsidies to compensate for well-defined and narrowly-specified "market failures" - but otherwise the government should leave the market system alone†. Following their logic about prices in a competitive marketplace, they argue along the next lines of thinking: â€Å"The main argument for the market system is the dual role played by prices. On the one hand, prices serve to ration demand: anyone unwilling to pay the market price does not get the good. On the other hand, price serves to elicit production: any organization that can make a good, or provides a service, for less than its market price has a powerful financial incentive to do so. What is produced goes to those who value it the most. What is produced is made by the organizations that can make it the cheapest. And what is produced is whatever the ultimate users value the most.† (Bradford DeLong & Michael Froomkin, 2000). Bradford Delong and Michael Froomkin favor early movers and adopters in the market, especially in the highly competitive business environment that the world driven by technological innovations of today is experiencing.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Journal for Notorious Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journal for Notorious - Essay Example The viewer is waiting for a close-up of the principle character but has to look for the woman in the crowd. It is also necessary to add that Alicia appears as an elegant woman pertaining to the high society. In this case, the director remains ‘faithful’ to this image and the woman appears as the same elegant lady in exquisite gowns throughout the entire movie. When it comes to Devlin, he appears as the ‘mysterious’ Mr. Right. He is sitting in the forefront and only his silhouette is seen. The viewer observes numerous things happening in the room. For instance, the couple is dancing, other people are sitting. It is clear that Alicia is interested in the Mr. Silhouette. The viewers are bound to focus on the mysterious man and wait when his face is seen. It is possible to note that the degree of anticipation is greater when Devlin’s silhouette appears. When it comes to the character’s costumes, he is always elegant and elaborate. 2. The viewer starts caring about the two leading characters when they are on the board of the plane taking them to Rio. Devlin tells the news about Alicia’s father (which is really intimate) and she shares her feelings about her relationships with her father as they used to be. She opens up her heart and it is clear that she is a good person just like Devlin is. It is also clear that the two are destined to be together though this idea comes to the viewers’ mind during the first scenes of the movie when Alicia meets Devlin at the party. 3. Hitchcock sets a romantic and somewhat dramatic tone to the film. There are elements of a comedy but the overall mood is rather dramatic. It is especially vivid in one of the final scenes when Devlin saves Alicia and tells her about his love. There is always a reminder of the war or spy secrets and duty or some plot. More so, the principle female character’s life has been rather tragic and it is not clear whether there will be a happy end for her. She is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Non-cash expenditure Essay Example for Free

Non-cash expenditure Essay CASE 1 The effectiveness of the conceptual framework for the Financial Accounting Standards Board is high. Unfortunately, its effect to outsiders is limited. As already stated, the conceptual framework will aid in the setting of accounting standards. However, only internal persons of the Financial Accounting Standards Board are involved in the standard setting process. Therefore such yardstick will only beneficial to them, because outsiders like accountants will have to abide with the standard issues. Indeed it is a normal trend that standards issued are adjusted in the future due to industrial factors that they omitted to consider or did not tackle properly. An argument in favor of the conceptual framework with respect to outsiders is that it enhanced the credibility of financial statements through the issue of objectives and concepts in such framework (Foster M. J. et al 2001, p 2). CASE 2 a) The cash basis of accounting is based on the premise that a transaction is recorded once cash inflow or cash outflows arises on cash and cash equivalents (Randall H 1999, p 247). On the contrary the accrual basis of accounting is based on the concept that revenue and expenditure are recorded once incurred and not when the cash receipt or payment arises (Randall H. 1999, p 191). For example, if license of a motor vehicle of $1,200 is paid in the beginning of November and the financial year-end is 31st December. Under the cash basis $1,200 is deducted. However, under the accruals basis only expenditure of $200 is recorded representing the expense incurred in November and December. b) The bank should always lend money in good faith. That is the money ought to be lend to persons who are financially capable to repay it in a given time frame. We should bear in mind that the money lent by the bank is coming from the depositors’ funds, which have in turn trusted the bank with their money. A fundamental principle of the code of ethical conduct of professionals states that the decisions taken by such parties should deter from providing harm to other parties and ought respect the rights of others (Association of Accounting Technicians 2007, p 7). Therefore if the bank manager of Ernest Banks knows that if the financial reports of the firm at hand are prepared on an accruals basis, which will eventually lead to lower profits. There is the risk that the financial ability of the company to pay the interest and capital commitments concerning the loan diminish. They should therefore take remedial action in order to mitigate such risk and thus safeguard the resources entrusted by depositors. c) The problem at hand identified in the previous question necessitates that the owner is informed of this issue as soon as possible. They ought to explain that the cash balance reported in the monthly bank statements does not represent the actual profit made by the business enterprise. Such illustration should be made in light of the weaker financial ability of the company to pay interest and capital commitments on the present loan that the firm will face in the nearby future. Since the business is experiencing growth there is still potential for the firm to mitigate the problem at hand. This stems the importance of informing the owner of such issue, who will take remedial action to solve it. However, the bank should refrain from providing specific solutions, since liabilities may arise if such solutions do not solve or possible even worsen the present financial performance of the company. CASE 3 1) The net increase in cash and cash equivalents originating in the cash flow statement is different from the net income portrayed in the income statement due to the different principles followed that where contrasted in the previous question of the former case. The reason for such disparity stem from a number of factors. For example, in the cash flow statement only the cash received from cash sales and debtors is recorded. In the income statement, all the sales incurred are taken into account. Similarly the cash payments for purchases, expenditure and to creditors are shown in the cash flow statement. However, in the income state all expenditure and purchases incurred in that time frame are taken into account (Lewis R. et al 1996, p 317). Non-cash expenditure like provision for depreciation and provision for slow moving stock are deducted from the profit figure. These are omitted from the cash flow statement since they do not represent cash outflows. Further more, capital expenditure incurred and paid during the period is recorded under the investing activities of the cash flow statement. This even though incurred is not portrayed in the income statement, but is recorded in the balance sheet due to its materiality and long-term effect. Hence it will affect cash flow but not net income. This thus clarifies the reason why the net income of $100,000 significantly differs from the actual cash flow balance depicted in the cash flow statement. 2) The operating cash flow, which eventually portrays the cash inflow or outflow from operating activities is very important for the organization, since it should the net cash generated/lost from the firm’s operations. From the differences noted previously it is important that a company not only makes profit but also generates sufficient cash from its operations to be able to meet its financial obligations (Weetman P. 2003, p 185-186). The operating cash flow should be considered as the lifeblood of the firm. Without cash from the operating activities the firm cannot operate for long. It is therefore important that a consistent net cash inflow from operating activities is shown in the financial statements. 3) The sources of cash flow that can be replaceable by new growth are long-term debts that mature and are taken back to finance new growth prospects. Fixed assets classified under investing activities can also be renewed once they finish their possible economic benefits by purchasing similar or better ones. Redeemable share capital, both ordinary and preference can also be renewed by another issue of such finance instruments (Lewis R. et al 1996, p 321). 4) The first basic solution of improving cash flow in view of the cash issue outlined is by focusing on sales and inventory management. By increasing the inventory turnover and diminishing the money tied up in stock by reducing stock levels can be useful remedies in order to free up some cash and enhance the liquidity of the James Spencer Corporation. Cash sales can also be boosted through the introduction of cash discounts. It is also pertinent that present debtors are properly chased by the credit control department to ensure that cash is collected on time (Bernabucci B.2005). Financial managers can also alleviate cash by reducing the debtors collection period through effective credit control policies and procedures put in practice and increase the creditors collection period from the present and potential suppliers. The factoring services provided by factor companies can be another viable solution to enhance cash flow from debtors. Factoring basically comprises the forwarding of a debt to a factor company at a reduced rate than the face value of such debt in exchange of a cash receipt of that account receivable (Ccassociates). For example a debtor of $10,000 of Company A is transferred to a factor company at 85%. Company A will receive $8,500 from such account receivable and then it is the responsibility of the factor company to collect the $10,000 from the trade debtor. James Spencer Corporation can also cushion its cash by either opting for an overdraft facility or increasing the present overdraft. This will act as a buffer against any unforeseen events that may weaken the cash flow of the firm. Even though bank overdraft is payable on demand by the bank, such debt medium is extremely flexible. This is due to the fact that the company can utilize how much of the debt it seems fit (Washington State University). For example if the overdraft facility is of $50,000, the company may take only $20,000 of such overdraft. References: Association of Accounting Technician (2007). Professional Ethics. Berkshire: Kaplan Publishing. Bernabucci B. (2005). Improving you Cash Flow Problems, Entrepreneur. com (on line). Available from: http://www. entrepreneur. com/money/moneymanagement/financialanalysis/article79084. html (Accessed 15th November 2007). Ccassociates. The Factoring Solution (on line). Available from: http://www. ccassociates. com/factoring_solution_accounts_receivable_factoring_explained. html (Accessed 15th November 2007). Foster M. J. ; Johnson L. T. (2001). Why does the FASB have a Conceptual Framework? Financial Accounting Standards Board (on line). Available from: http://www. fasb. org/articlesreports/conceptual_framework_uti_aug_2001. pdf (Accessed 16th November 2007) IAS 17 (2000). Leases. London: International Accounting Standards Committee. International Accounting Standards (2000). Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements. London: International Accounting Standards Committee. Lewis R. ; Pendrill D. (1996). Advanced Financial Accounting. Fifth Edition. London: Pitman Publishing. Washington State University. Short Term Sources of Finance (on line). Available from: http://cbdd. wsu. edu/kewlcontent/cdoutput/TOM505/page36. htm (Accessed 15th November 2007). Weetman P. (2003). Financial and Management Accounting. Third Edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Employment :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Empluyment Many years ago, it wasn’t hard at all to keep employees loyal and happy in their work. That was because the man of the house was mainly the sole provider for a wife and two to three kids. All they basically wanted was security and to be a happy family. It’s not so easy in today’s modern world where an employee has so many more options. I will discuss how we manage to keep employees loyal and satisfied in their jobs at our company. The role of the manager is very wide, expansive and covers several different areas all at once. Our managers act as something similar to a press secretary in that they escort visitors and play tour manager of course, they also handle all the human relations tasks such as hiring, firing and motivating the employees under their charge. So far as relational roles they also act as liaison due to the fact that much of the information they use they acquire from the employees. Our manager’s act in several other roles with the information they receive. As a monitor in that they attempt to predict what to expect of competitors. Secondly, as a disseminator because much information has to be relayed to employees either by the manager or through some sort of media. Thirdly, with visitors they tend to act as spokesperson, also. Managers have to make many decisions in our organization because we try to avoid micromanagement, Due to the avoidance of that micromanagement the manager tends to act as entrepreneur sometimes because they are making decisions that will affect the organization as a whole. Secondly, they act as police somewhat in that they need to settle disputes between employees. They handle the acquisition of supplies, also, whether it is personnel, physical supplies or monetary resources. Lastly, our managers also need to act as negotiators because they may need to sacrifice something important out of their own team to gain an important piece of equipment from another team. The organization plays a very large role in motivation and morale employees need to know that when they come to work everyday they won’t have several different tasks thrown at them throughout the day. This reflects totally as to how the individual reacts towards the organization. We combat this â€Å" Hey, you!† effect in our organization with a couple of methods.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Philips vs. Matsushita: A New Century, a New Round Essay

1. How did Phillips become the leading consumer electronics company in the world? Philips started its business in 1892 in Eindhoven with its basic product, a light bulb. The company focused on only producing light bulbs at the beginning, and could therefore specialize and create significant innovations. The rapid growth to being the leader in industrial research, helped to broaden its product line. During the post war era Philips gained success and the company was able to adapt to country-specific market conditions. This helped Philips expand to other countries and also generated in a broadened sales volume. Phillips also developed National Organizations (NO ´s) in different countries, which helped to serve other markets more easily. NO ´s were after the Second World War helpful to distribute products to the customer while taking care of specific customer needs as well as country and market needs. This greatly increased self-sufficiency. The company ´s change to a multi-national company in the 1930s was also a specific point why Phillips was the leading cons umer electronics company. How did Matsushita succeed in displacing Philips as No. 1? Matsushita focused its competitiveness in high quality, low cost, and standardized products during the 1970s and 1980s. Also they had rapid product and process innovation and their company wanted to focus on exporting sales to world markets. Matsushita represented 40% of appliance stores in Japan as they capitalized greatly on their broad line of 5,000 products by opening 25,000 domestic retail outlets. This resulted in a direct access to market trends and consumer reaction as well as an increase in sales volume. Being the first Japanese company to adopt a divisional structure gave each division of the company a clearly defined profit responsibility. This structure created a small business environment to maintain growth and flexibility. It also generated competition amongst divisions. Matsushita’s global organizational model centralized the product and process innovation and then the development and manufacturing of the  products were the product division’s responsibi lity. What were its distinctive competencies and incompetence? Philips competencies: Ability to adapt in Local market conditions, strong national organizations, employee centric values, 14 product divisions (PDs), and NOs built their own technical capabilities and product development Philips Incompetence: No Economy of scale in manufacturing, many technological innovations, but its ability to bring products to market was weak. Difficulties in reorganizing the company when dealing with its growing problems. Matsushita competencies: Broad line of Products, Centralized structure, Fast follower’s strategy Matsushita incompetencies The tough leadership, Lack of resources for new development, inability to compete with other companies that outsourced to low cost factories. Why is the change so hard for both Matsushita and Philips? What recommendations would you make to Gerald Kleisterlee? And to Kunio Nakamura? The change was hard due to the difficulty of changing a company with a strong history and culture without changing the companies’ core values. As the changes were radical and made the companies change to a new way of acting and thinking, the companies had a hard time following and adapting to these changes which altered the core of the companies. Recommendations for Philips: As Philips success initially was in developing new products, though they were not able to successfully introduce them in the markets, this is an area they should exploit further. Also in this area they have capabilities that competitors do not possess. They need a better relationship and coherence between the NOs, PDs and the head quarter to be able to successfully introduce new technologies and products to the market. Also they need to make the whole company adopt the product and not just parts of it. Once they achieve a better coherence they can concentrate on improving their corporate marketing strategy to better position the new products. As Philips is a decentralized company they should work on being more towards a centralized company. They should also not give up its value proposition of being a ‘technology developer and global marketer’, which could be the result of outsourcing the majority of its production. Recommendations for Matsushita As Matsushita had a centralized organization, which was a large disadvantage and a reason for slow market responsiveness, they should work towards a more decentralized organization. Matsushita will need to anticipate on the globalization of the market, so that they are capable of sustaining their competitive advantage in low-cost production. To strengthen their position they need to focus on coherence between subsidiaries and headquarters.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Medea Monologue Evaluation

The monologue I was given was an extract from the play ‘Medea. I played Medea. My director (Mark) and I started with a read-through of the script, even from the first read-through we decided the main theme was that we wanted to show her need for revenge. We the realised this was from the same play that we watched last year. We used this to come up with that themes needed such as her still being in love with Jason. We used units and objectives to the scene into sections. From different sections we got different units, some parts should show a very vulnerable side then others showed anger and love. We realised this was a script needed different levels of emotion and having the ability to change your emotion very quickly was key. We decided to focus on her unrequited love for her husband (Jason) who divorced and betrayed her. Also the anger that she held towards him because of the betrayal needs to be strong. She needed to be quite hard and strong but vulnerable at some points. Once we had cracked the themes and character personality we started do proper rehearsals. I rehearsed by myself to learn my lines and come up with some ideas on how to perform it. Then in school we tried the different ideas and different ways to say each line changing as we go. I sub-texted each line and brought it in so again we can see what she is really trying to say with each line. This made us change how I said the beginning of the script. We hot-seated with different partners’ and the question really made me think. It made me want to show that she still loved Jason but hated him too. Our class did an exercise when we had to be stuck in a lift with as our character with other characters. This was eye opening too, just how much of a strong facade Medea put on to try and mask her feelings. The set was just a simple chair in the middle of the stage. We wanted simplicity so people could focus on the dialogue. The costume again wasn’t complex but purple velvet toga (because she is a Greek princess); this was to show her royal roots. The rehearsal with Mr. Borrill was what turned it around because he told me what to focus on, what parts are meant too be strong and what parts are meant to show weakness. It definitely helped me develop how I wanted the audience to see Medea in the last few days before the performance. The day of the performance arrived. I used emotional memory to get me into the mood just an hour before and I think this really helped in the believability. I think it is one of my best performances; I felt like I connected with audience and used my projection well. I had just enough tension filled moments and I used the silence well. My main fault is my staging, I should’ve moved around more and that is something we focused on in rehearsal but I think my nerves didn’t want me to move. I used props well, when I used it as a symbol of different things such as one represented Jason. I think it was a very good performance other than the staging. I was proud of myself

Thursday, November 7, 2019

beethoven3 essays

beethoven3 essays There resounds a proverbial question, If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear, does it make a sound as it falls? Capricious as this query may appear I have had occasion to entertain just such a notion when, as a youth, I found an exploratory journey down a deep woods path abruptly halted by the greeting of an enormous fallen tree. The colossal obstacle lay across my path and presented itself a motionless, silent guardian that protected that which lay beyond from my further intrusion. What a monumental disturbance must have been witnessed by the forest as this giant came crashing down! I wondered how the tree came to be there in the first place or what of the countless forms of life that had sprang forth from its protective purview over the decades of the trees history. I wondered what might have led to the demise of the strong anchoring system that had so obviously sustained the uprightness of this tower for so long. Not to mention what a scurry for life itsel f must have taken place by the multitude of creatures that were no doubt within the danger zone as tons of falling wood rushed earthward. Notwithstanding the magnitude of this event and the obvious lasting effects that resulted, I still wondered if the falling tree had made a sound? When the life of Ludwig van Beethoven first encroached upon my path, much the same sensation was experienced. No doubt I had heard of the composers name, but then so had I foreknowledge of trees, both fallen as well as standing ones. However, what of this particular composer. Had I ever entertained conversation with him? Had I known of his particular work, achievements, or failures? What difference had been made by this long extinguished life, at least where I was concerned? So here I stood. Yet another fallen giant before me in an apparently posture of complete silence leaving me to contemplate what, if any, true sound had b...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Profile of Gangster John Dapper Don Gotti

Profile of Gangster John 'Dapper Don' Gotti The following is a profile of John Gotti, the former godfather of the powerful Gambino family. Born: October 27, 1940, in Bronx, New York Childhood Years At the age of 12, his family moved to a rough part of Brooklyn, New York.Gotti dropped out of school in the eighth grade and began his full-time involvement in street gangs and petty crimes. 1960 - 1969 In his mid-twenties, he became associated with the Gambino Family and became close to Underboss Aniello Dellacroce. Gottis specialty at that time was hijacking freight trucks at Kennedy Airport.On March 6, 1962, Gotti married Victoria DiGiorgio, by whom he had five children: Angela (born 1961), Victoria, John, Frank and Peter.In 1969, he was sentenced to three years in prison for hijacking. 1970 - 1979 In 1973, he participated in the killing of James McBratney. McBratney was one of three kidnappers and murderers of Manny Gambino, nephew to Carlo Gambino.John Gotti was convicted of the murder and sentenced to seven years in prison, two of which he served before being released.Once out of prison, Gotti moved quickly up the ranks, for his part in the McBratney murder. During that same time, dying Carlo Gambino appointed Paul Castellano as his successor.Now a capo, Gottis loyalty laid with his mentor, Neil Dellacroce, and it was well known the Gotti felt Gambino should have appointed Dellacroce as his successor and not Castellano.Around 1978, Gotti was named a capo and continued to work in top ranks under Dellacroce. 1980 - 1989 Personal disaster struck the Gotti home. John Favara, a friend and neighbor, ran over and killed Gottis 12-year old son, Frank. The incident was deemed an accident. Four months later, Favara vanished, never to be seen again.In February 1985, Castellano and five Family bosses were indicted in the Commission Case. Castellano was also was faced with the news that his mansion was wiretapped and conversations were overheard which resulted in some of Gottis crew getting indicted for narcotic trafficking.During that same time, Castellano gave Thomas Bilotti the capo position, which put him and Gotti on the same level. It was said that once Dellacroce died, Bilotti would be named Underboss, putting him in the position of Godfather in the event Castellano went to prison.Faced with the prospect of life in prison, many worried Castellano might turn coat.In December 1985, Dellacroce died of cancer. Two weeks later Castellano and Bilotti were shot to death in Manhattan. Gotti Becomes Godfather of the Gambino Family With Castellano, Bilotti and Dellacroce all gone, Gotti took control of the largest Mafia family in the nation, setting up his headquarters at the Ravenite Social Club.In 1986, Gotti was charged with racketeering but managed to elude prosecution.Over the next few years, Gotti became a media hound. He paraded in his expensive suits and coats for the media, who always seemed to be there ready to take his picture.The press nicknamed him Dapper Don because of his charismatic charm and good looks, and Teflon Don because charges against him never seemed to stick.Gotti demanded that the Family capos and soldiers come to the Ravenite to show their respect to him. This compromised many of them by exposing them to television coverage, a fact that late came back to haunt some of them. Gottis Downfall Begins After bugging the Ravenite Social Club, the FBI eventually managed to get an RICO (Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt Organization Act of 1970)Â  case against him because of over 100 hours of tape that implicated him and others in racketeering schemes.Underboss, Sammy the Bull Gravano, after hearing Gotti saying derogatory things about him, turned coat and partnered with the government to testify against Gotti.Gravano confessed to 19 murders but received complete immunity for his testimony against John Gotti. His nickname Sammy the Bull then changed to Sammy the Rat. Gravano was given only a five-year sentence and then entered the Witness Protection Program.Gotti and several associates were arrested in 1990. Gotti was convicted by a jury in the United States District Court in New York on April 2, 1992, for 14 counts of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, loan sharking, racketeering, obstruction of justice, illegal gambling, and tax evasion. John Gotti Jr. was acting boss for Gotti while he was in prison. Gottis Prison Years His time in prison was not easy. He was sent to an older federal penitentiary at Marion, Illinois, where he was kept in a solitary-confinement cell 23 hours a day for nine years.June 10, 2002, after battling cancer for several years, John Gotti died at the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri.A large funeral was held in New York City, where many members of the Gambino Crime Family came to pay their final respects to their fallen leader. The Aftermath It is said that John Gotti, Jr. is now the head of the Gambino Crime Family.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Disease Outbreak Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disease Outbreak Report - Research Paper Example Information about the location of the scene and the characteristics of the affected persons should be included. This would involve checking the credibility of the hypothesis. This is done by comparing the hypothesis with the established facts concerning H1N1 disease. Another common method for checking credibility is by testing the hypothesis. This prevention strategy focuses on health education. It is aimed at preventing the H1N1 disease from infecting the people in question. It is done by giving passive and active immunization. It is also achieved by teaching people on how to maintain a healthy diet and the right weight (Gordis 2009). This level of H1N1 disease prevention focuses on treating the disease. Promotion in detection and screening is done at this level. It targets the population that is at risk. Screening of newborns can as well be applied. In order to overwhelm the H1N1 disease and get it treated before many are infected, the disease must have had a period enough for it to be detected before the onset of symptoms. The screening to be performed must be good. It should be sensitive such that this infected test positive. Maximum care should be taken so that it does not give false negatives or positives. The screening method should also be affordable and easy. It should remain painless and reliable as much as possible. Who is to be screened and how often it is to be done should also be worked out (Gordis 2009). The effectiveness of screening for H1N1 is measured by its potential, to decrease the mortality and morbidity of the disease. Correlational studies examine the trending of disease-specific mortality over a determined period of time. Cohort studies and case control are also used to evaluate the screening with volunteer and length-time bias being the major shortcomings. Conducting random clinical random trials can also be employed (Buettner

Friday, November 1, 2019

Devil Wears Prada case study (Leadership) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Devil Wears Prada case study (Leadership) - Essay Example She has a team of employees under her including a senior and a junior assistant and has authority to hire or even fire. This power is only as a result of the leadership position and could have been lost if Jacqueline had taken over her position as Nigel revealed to Andy when they spent the night together in Paris at the fashion show event. Andy is simply a junior assistant to Miranda and acts according to how Miranda wants as well as fulfilling all the chores dictated by her as well as by Emily who is the senior personal assistant. Her position demands being respectful and an individual who can be trusted and relied upon. Her power is therefore personal and specifically known as referent power (Fairholm 25). Her ability to handle situations is not only proven when she delivers the â€Å"book† but when she got the advance copies of the Harry Porter Novel for Miranda’s children and even had them delivered to where they were. Miranda’s holding of both powers in the 2006 film and trying to juggle both and succeed in them has benefitted her career but negatively affected her family. She is too busy with both powers to be able to juggle family life as well. The argument Andy overhears between Miranda and her husband when she went to deliver the â€Å"book† as well as the confession of a pending divorce by Miranda to Andy is an indication that all is not well and all because of the power base. Andy’s power has benefitted her as her trust from Miranda due to her work and diligence has made her land a job in The New York Mirror magazine. This is her dream job as she wanted to work in a newspaper or magazine as a reporter or writer and this has finally happened all because of her power base. Her relationship with her boyfriend Nate seems to have suffered when she cheats on him and he gets his dream job in Boston as a sous chef. Nigel seems to be the stirring all the problems for Miranda advocating for her to be eliminated and Jacqueline to